piano tuning
expert repairs
case detailing
keyboard servicing
french polishing
removals and disposals
piano tuning | expert repairs | case detailing | keyboard servicing | french polishing | removals and disposals |
The aim of our piano pampering programs is simple.
Make your piano the best it can be…so that you can enjoy the music again.
Our mobile workshop carries everything to fix pretty much anything.
covering South Wales and the South West including
Abergavenny | Brecon | Bridgend | Bristol | Cardiff | Cheltenham | Gloucester | Hereford | Monmouth | Newport | Ross-on-Wye | Swansea | Welsh Valleys | Worcester
Seasonal service
A pure twelfths tuning, action geometry check, key cleaning and case polish. Seasonal servicing is for those who have had their upright or grand piano tuned regularly.
This service requires approximately two hours.
Seasonal Service
A short comparison of a Scheidmayer & Soehne piano before and after it has been tuned.
Corrective service
The corrective service is the equivalent of an “MOT and service” for your road vehicle. On arrival you will be given a full evaluation of your piano. The regulation of the instrument will be checked, and any necessary replacements or adjustments to both the action and the keyboard will be made. All materials and miscellaneous parts are included. The pitch of the instrument will be corrected to concert pitch (440htz) or to an appropriate pitch if concert pitch is not viable due to age or condition. The keys will be cleaned and a new keyboard felt fitted in a choice of colours. Your piano will be beautifully fine tuned using a pure twelfth interval method, that yields the most wonderful pure tuning. Quality, professionalism and a result you will be impressed with are what you can expect from a corrective service.
If additional services or repairs are needed to get the most out of your piano, you will be provided with a full estimate of the cost and you will have the chance to ask any questions. If we cannot complete the same day or we have to deliver bad news and your piano is unserviceable, you will be charged this amount on the day but your account will be credited with the same amount for future work to the piano or any new piano you purchase.
N.B Your piano may require more than can be achieved with this service alone. Additional charges may be incurred.
This service requires approximately three hours.
We fit safety equipment to pianos in schools and institutions
Same day renovation
Well-loved pianos are often kept and not played; as the saying goes, they can become “part of the furniture”. Pianos also become heirlooms and are passed down the generations. Father Time and Mother Nature are sometimes unkind to an instrument through the passing years. A combination of repairs, pitch correction if required, keyboard servicing and case detailing can literally transform a well loved piano and bring it back to the best it can be. Anything and everything will be done to improve the instrument in a day. All materials, polishes and lubricants are included. See below for what these services entail.
Keyboard servicing
Are your keys sticking? It’s so annoying isn’t it? But how does it happen?
Humidity is the piano’s nemesis. It causes the felt in a piano to swell and the metallic parts to corrode. The felt in the keyboard is particularly susceptible to moisture and the result of swollen felt is that the keys stick to their corroded guide pins.
A keyboard service will eradicate this problem. Any particularly problematic keys are eased by reducing the thickness of the swollen felt. All of the keys are then carefully removed from the piano and the key bed is vacuumed of the debris that accumulates over the years. You would be surprised at what we find in there sometimes. The guide pins are burnished and then polished smooth. They are then lubricated with dry Teflon. The key felts are also lubricated with powdered Teflon making their reciprocating motion far smoother. This not only eliminates sticking but also makes the instrument so much nicer to play.
A keyboard service for grands is somewhat more involved. The aim is the same; the price can be discussed at the time of tuning as it is dependant on the individual piano.
Keyboard servicing
Eradicate sticking keys and make your instrument play so much better.
Case detailing
Case detailing will make your piano look like a million dollars.
Firstly the keys are cleaned thoroughly using specialist polish that is ivory friendly. We then fit a new name board felt (the felt that runs along the line of where the back of the keys meet the piano case) in a choice of colours. Classics are red, green or blue but we have funky modern colours too and we can do combinations of two colours. Any scratches are covered with a French polish that matches the case and the brass hinges and pedals are mirror polished. The fall board (the keyboard cover) is then polished and the manufacturer’s name is detailed where possible. Finally the case of your piano will be polished with a non-silicone wax to make it shine.
This service will significantly improve the way your piano looks.
Again case detailing for grand pianos can be more involved and somewhat more intricate and this can be discussed at the time of tuning
Case detailing
Transform the way your instrument looks. Its not just about the way it sounds.
Pitch correction
Pianos typically go flat over time. Moving an instrument from one house to another will always be detrimental to the tuning. Your previous tuner may have been reluctant to bring the instrument back to concert pitch (A440). Humidity and temperature also affect the way a piano holds its pitch. Whatever the reasons, the solution is to bring all of the strings to just above their target pitch and once those strings have gotten used to being stretched a bit, they can be fine tuned for a second time to get them sounding lovely again.
Repairs and renovation
We repair the majority of ailments that pianos suffer from as Father Time plods on. Minor repairs include niggles such as renewing tie tapes that have disintegrated over time or servicing the pedal mechanisms. More significant fixes such as broken hammer shanks or the replacement of cushions, felts or leathers are also well within our remit. Indeed we recondition complete actions on request. Get in touch and we can discuss your requirements.
Call out charge
You may have a piano that has been in the family for many years but father time has not been kind and you want to know if it’s possible to restore it. We are more than happy to come and have a look and give you a condition report. There is a call out charge incurred to cover the time and fuel involved but it is credited if you decide to have any work done.
If you need a written insurance valuation we can help. Fire damage, water damage or accidents can be assessed for the purposes of making a claim.
If you are considering buying a piano and you need a wingman to give you a condition report, we can help with that too.